Master’s of Arts in Prophetic Ministry
This Degree Program provides the student with further study to the calling and the office of the modern-day prophet.
The Master’s of Arts in Prophetic Ministry prepares students to develop skills for prophetic ministry.
Careers include Prophetic minister, Counselor, Church worker.
What you’ll learn
- Advanced Prophetic Training Certification.
- Demonstrate a good understanding of theological and biblical interpretation.
- Understand spiritual gifts as applied to the office a prophet.
- Understand how to discern the voice of God.
- Understand prophetic protocols.
- Know the general functions of a prophet.
- Understand prophetic dreams and interpretations.
- Achieve personal growth in the prophetic ministry through the integration of theory and practice.
- Develop initial skills for prophetic ministry.
- Preaching that connects with the congregation.
At YUAS, we are committed to preparing our students academically, spiritually and professionally.
For Questions, Scholarships or General Enquiries, CALL NOW 1-855-542-0273
Degree Curriculum
BIBL 516 Advanced Homiletics Course
BIBL 518 Advanced Hermeneutics Course
PRMI 517 Prophetic Covering & Mentorship Course
BIBL 524 Old Testament Theology Course
CBUS 543 Advanced Business Course
FIN 537 Financial Management Course
BIBL 523 New Testament Theology Course
BIBM 556 Christian Theology I Course
PSYC 523 Psychology: Growing & Developing Course
LED 579 The Spirit Formed Leader Course
BIBM 545 Preaching that Connects Course
BIBL 557 Church History and Renewal Course
Get started now!
Tuition Fee : $7,500.00