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Master’s of Arts in Pastoral Ministry

This Degree program provides the student with the understanding of the responsibility and requirements of the pastoral ministry.

The Master’s of Arts in Pastoral Ministry prepares students to serve in parishes, dioceses or other ministerial settings with in-depth theological knowledge and effective pastoral skills. This graduate program offers several concentrations, each with a unique curriculum.

Careers include Pastoral Ministry, Church Management, Youth Ministry.

What you’ll learn

  1. Skills and knowledge needed to effectively serve in parishes, dioceses or other ministerial settings.
  2. Understand congregational growth and development.
  3. Learn pastoral counseling.
  4. Understand old and new testament backgrounds.
  5. Provide in-depth and comprehensive coverage of the contents of the Bible.
  6. Life of Jesus Christ in Historical Context.
  7. Methodical study of Scripture.
  8. Preaching that connects with the congregation.

At YUAS, we are committed to preparing our students academically, spiritually and professionally.

For Questions, Scholarships or General Enquiries, CALL NOW 1-855-542-0273

Degree Curriculum

BIBL 516 Advanced Homiletics Course
BIBL 518 Advanced Hermeneutics Course
BIBM 541 Congregational Growth & Development Course
BIBM 545 Preaching that Connects Course
CBUS 543 Advanced Business Course
FIN 537 Financial Management Course
BIBM 548 Pastoral Counseling Course
BIBL 523 New Testament Theology Course
PSYC 523 Psychology: Growing & Developing Course
LED 579 The Spirit Formed Leader Course
BIBL 524 Old Testament Theology Course
BIBM 546 Life of Jesus in Historical Context Course

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Tuition Fee : $7,500.00