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Master’s of Arts in Christian Leadership

This Degree helps students in exploring management philosophies, biblical hermeneutics and gain an in-depth understanding of the various styles of leadership.

The Master’s of Arts in Christian Leadership prepares students for Christian service in the marketplace and also making Godly plans and decisions in the business world. This thoughtful blend of theological studies and administrative skill development positions future Christian leaders to positively transform their church and local communities

Careers include Ministry Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Business Investor, Managerial Roles, Pastoral Ministry, Non-profit organizations.

What you’ll learn

  1. Understand the strategies for effective stewardship of assets, resources and capital.
  2. Understand how to lead healthy organizations.
  3. Best Practices in Christian Leadership.
  4. The Process of effective conflict resolution.
  5. Contemporary Approaches to Leadership.
  6. Understand New and Old Testament Backgrounds.
  7. Apply biblical principles to overcoming the poverty mindset. How it applies to leadership and ministry.
  8. Understand the scriptural basis for the expansion of the Kingdom of God into all areas of the society.

At YUAS, we are committed to preparing our students academically, spiritually and professionally.

For Questions, Scholarships or General Enquiries, CALL NOW 1-855-542-0273

Degree Curriculum

BIBL 516 Advanced Homiletics Course
BIBL 518 Advanced Hermeneutics Course
LEAD 583 Current Issues in Leadership Studies Course
LEAD 584 Effective Conflict Resolution Course
CBUS 543 Advanced Business Course
FIN 537 Financial Management Course
LEAD 525 Contemporary Approaches to Leadership Course
LEAD 581 Leading Healthy Organizations Course
PSYC 523 Psychology: Growing & Developing Course
LED 579 The Spirit Formed Leader Course
BIBL 523 New Testament Theology Course
BIBL 524 Old Testament Theology Course

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Tuition Fee : $7,500.00