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Master’s of Arts in Christian Ethics & Management

Learn the principles of organizational change, decision-making, strategic thinking & innovation. Prepare to become an effective Leader with global vision.

The Master’s of Arts in Christian Ethics & Management prepares students for effective leadership positions in business, government or non-profit organizations.

Learn how to maintain and manage an organization’s activities and employees in a wide variety of organizational management situations.

Learn to apply the science of psychology and business, using evidence-based practices to innovate, drive results, and manage change in today’s organizations.

Careers include HR Manager, Administrative Manager, CEO, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Business Investor

What you’ll learn

  1. Evaluate the importance of ethics and corporate social responsibility.
  2. Develop management processes and policies to manage human capital in organizations.
  3. Define and understand strategic planning, financial management, marketing and other areas in which an organizational leader must be knowledgeable in order to be effective. 
  4. Understand Conflict Resolution.
  5. Apply biblical principles to overcoming the poverty mindset.
  6. How to lead healthy organizations.
  7. Analyze common behavioral factors that are present in organization management.

At YUAS, we are committed to preparing our students academically, spiritually and professionally.

For Questions, Scholarships or General Enquiries, CALL NOW 1-855-542-0273

Degree Curriculum

BIBL 516 Advanced Homiletics Course
BIBL 518 Advanced Hermeneutics Course
CBUS 547 Focusing on Organizational Change Course
LEAD 581 Leading Healthy Organizations Course
CBUS 543 Advanced Business Course
FIN 537 Financial Management Course
CBUS 582 Organizational Development & Change Course
LEAD 584 Effective Conflict Resolution Course
PSYC 523 Psychology: Growing & Developing Course
LED 579 The Spirit Formed Leader Course
BIBT 556 Christian Theology I Course
BIBL 528 Conversion: The Holy Spirit

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Tuition Fee : $7,500.00