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Master’s of Arts in Christian Ethics and Marketing

This Degree program provides the student with further academic study on human psychology & leading others in a business based on ethics from a biblical view.

The Master’s of Arts in Christian Ethics and Marketing prepares students with further academic study on how to lead others in a business based on ethics from a biblical view. Students will learn how to use critical thinking skills to interpret data and use it to make positive decisions that will improve the functions of a business.

Careers include Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Business Investor, Managerial Roles, Pastoral Ministry, Corporate Marketing

What you’ll learn

  1. Understand organizational development & change.
  2. Understand Christian ethics in business.
  3. Learn advanced marketing techniques in the 21st century.
  4. Understand how to lead healthy organizations.
  5. Understand human psychology & marketing.
  6. Apply biblical principles to overcoming the poverty mindset.
  7. Understand the scriptural basis for the expansion of the Kingdom of God into all areas of the society.

At YUAS, we are committed to preparing our students academically, spiritually and professionally.

For Questions, Scholarships or General Enquiries, CALL NOW 1-855-542-0273

Degree Curriculum

BIBL 516 Advanced Homiletics Course
BIBL 518 Advanced Hermeneutics Course
CBUS 526 Advanced Marketing Course
CBUS 559 Christian Ethics in Business Course
CBUS 543 Advanced Business Course
FIN 537 Financial Management Course
LEAD 581 Leading Healthy Organizations Course
CBUS 582 Organizational Development & Change Course
PSYC 523 Psychology: Growing & Developing Course
LED 579 The Spirit Formed Leader Course
CBUS 561 Business Strategy Course
BIBT 556 Christian Theology I Course

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Tuition Fee : $7,500.00